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How I came to be a practitioner that offers Bio-Energetic Testing.

The Influence of Childhood Upbringing on a Natural Lifestyle

My story begins with my upbringing, where I was fortunate to have been raised with an emphasis on a natural lifestyle from a young age. Due to my mother's health conditions, such as hypoglycemia and Lyme disease, she stressed the importance of reducing sugar intake and opting for natural sources like fructose over corn syrup or refined sugar. Although we usually shopped at regular grocery stores, what stood out were our visits to Super Natural, a well-known market in Bristol, CT, particularly among older generations. Instead of having fruit roll-ups, we savored fruit leather as a special treat. Additionally, my brother and I received regular chiropractic care. Back then, I was unaware of any different way, a realization that I now value when reminiscing about those times.

Overcoming Migraines: My Journey Through Alternative Modalities

During my personal experience, I have encountered setbacks that I believe many others can identify with. As a Neurologist from a renowned hospital put it, "You have a typical case of migraines." The chronic pain I have endured over the years has motivated me to explore complementary and alternative therapies in order to alleviate the frequency and severity of these migraines. I experimented with conventional Western Medicine treatments involving medications, but I found them unsatisfactory due to the side effects and the exacerbation of pain they caused.

The Dangers of Misleading Practices in Alternative Medicine

An important aspect of this story is when I became disillusioned with natural medicine. During my pre-teen years, while shopping with my mother at a popular supplement store, a woman had a demonstration table for muscle testing. My mother encouraged me to try it, and I agreed, thinking there was no harm in it. Following the muscle testing, the woman shockingly told me that I was facing death. She claimed that my laughter was a sign of fear and insisted that I needed to visit her urgently. Such experiences can shake one's confidence in certain practices. Unfortunately, this incident left a bitter taste in my mouth temporarily. It led me to believe that if this was what alternative medicine was about, then I was not interested. She epitomized the kind of "woo-woo" practitioners that tarnish the reputation of the field.

Life-Changing Encounter with a Native American Holistic Practitioner

Skipping ahead to when I was around 18 years old, my mother once again suggested that I visit a new wellness practitioner. This practitioner was a Native American Holistic Practitioner who utilized an electrodermal machine known as the Bio-tracker. This machine could assess every bodily system and detect various elements like bacteria, viruses, pathogens, and heavy metals. Following the assessment, he would propose supplements based on the test results. Given my prior experiences, I was quite resistant to the idea of seeing him, adopting the attitude of a rebellious teenager. I vividly recall expressing skepticism, questioning why I should consult him just to hear a grim diagnosis. Reluctantly, I relented to put an end to the persistent recommendations. However, this decision turned out to be pivotal in shaping my current path. At that time, I had already left college due to feeling lost and directionless. To my surprise, the practitioner's demeanor was reassuring and supportive, rather than foreboding. He even extended an offer to mentor me and to have me work as his apprentice in his New York office. In this role, I would assist his clients by managing their appointments, guiding them on supplement intake, and arranging their supplement orders. It may be predictable, but I enthusiastically accepted the opportunity.

The Journey of Learning and Growth in Holistic Practices

While working in New York, my inquisitiveness and eagerness for learning grew. The Holistic Practitioner would suggest the supplement, specify the dosage and timing, and I would then spend time with the patients explaining the recommendations and instructions for consumption. For example, homeopathic tinctures were administered under the tongue, and it was recommended to wait 15 minutes before eating or drinking, as well as avoiding substances like mint. This left me craving more knowledge. Although I was providing guidance on consumption, I desired a deeper understanding of the supplements I was recommending, beyond just the basic instructions. To delve deeper, I searched for classes on supplements, which led me to what was then Kaplan University. They offered a course on Vitamins, Herbs, and Nutritional Supplements. Upon discovering this, I contacted Kaplan U and inquired about enrolling in the class. The advisor informed me that I couldn't take that specific class alone. To participate in that course, I would need to enroll in the Bachelor of Science in Health and Wellness degree program. Taking a deep breath, I replied, "Okay, let's do it!"

Transformative Healing Experiences Witnessed During Apprenticeship

While pursuing my degree, I continued as an apprenticeship in New York with this Holistic practitioner. During my time with him, I witnessed remarkable success stories. One that stands out is a 9/11 first responder suffering from toxicity due to exposure to the building remains, leading to various issues, particularly visible skin problems. Additionally, I recall a young man in his twenties with Muscular Dystrophy, whom I spoke with on several occasions. During one conversation, he mentioned that individuals with his type of Muscular Dystrophy typically do not live as long as he had, and in another instance, he shared his progress in gaining muscle mass and regaining the ability to shower independently, something he had never thought possible.

Embracing Change: A Journey from Entrepreneurship to Corporate Wellness

Like all good things, my apprenticeship eventually came to an end. Following its conclusion, I delved into entrepreneurship, specializing in reiki, supplement sales, and later incorporating Organic CBD oil into my offerings with a unique touch that distinguished me from others. Alongside selling CBD oil, I provided a complimentary health education session, sharing informative content and evidence-based research demonstrating its successful use for specific health conditions by others. The superior quality and purity of my product, coupled with the added complimentary service, helped me stand out and earn the title of Best CBD in Hartford County. I also pursued and completed my degree. However, while managing my own business, I started longing for a more structured 9-5 job that would allow me to disconnect easily at the end of the day and not have to think about work until the following morning. This aspiration led me to Corporate Wellness, where I spent almost 6 years.

Reevaluating My Path: From Corporate Wellness to Holistic Practice

Going into Corporate Wellness, I told myself I would be at the company for 5 years. During my time there, I built a health coaching program which included recruiting and onboarding Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coaches from across the country. Additionally, I created a presentation on Complementary and Alternative Medicine which was reviewed by a colleague and published without my final signoff. The first time hearing the presentation, it was presented with the practitioner saying that Homeopathic supplements are a placebo. I was shocked and heart broken. This is not the message I was intending to send with something I've first hand seen such huge success with. The point of the presentation was to encourage people to explore different types of ancient medicine. There hit a point where I felt in my heart that the journey there was ending. My heart was simultaneously telling me to get back to my roots, being meeting with clients one on one and being the Holistic Practitioner that I at one time looked up to.

Revolutionizing Health Assessment with the Qest4 System

This is where I came across the Qest4 System. Similar to the Bio-tracker I had previous experience with, the Qest4 system assesses the body systems. This serves as the initial scan, examining the energy flow in areas like the adrenal glands, liver, and skeletal system, showing you which systems are stressed or weakened. Moreover, there is a Comprehensive Scan that astounded me when I first discovered it. In the older model, the client would hold two metal rods while the practitioner used a mental pointer to test various Chinese Medicine Meridians and individual systems one by one, with additional tests based on request or symptoms. With the advanced technology of the Qest4, there is no need for a metal pointer to touch the meridians, enhancing accuracy and eliminating practitioner bias, testing everything in just minutes. The test identifies root causes, scanning for bacteria, viruses, and even emotions. I must emphasize, this technology left me in awe. Furthermore, when I operated the machine, the accuracy of the emotional assessments truly amazed me every single time.

Enhancing Your Well-being Through Complementary Medicine Collaboration

As a believer in complementary medicine, I would love to work in partnership with other practitioners that you may also be seeing to help you find the best, healthiest, happiest version of yourself! I am so excited to be back one on one and can't wait to see you!

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