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Energy and Chakra's explained.

"Energy is not created or destroyed it just is." - Albert Einstein

Often people get hung up in the words like chakra, energy medicine, energy work, or energy healing. What do they really mean? What are they really? People always tell me it sounds like witch doctor medicine. I would like to take a moment to translate these terms into more widely accepted and understood terms.

Let's start with energy. What is energy? Energy is defined by as "the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity." Then, let's turn to simple physics which states energy is the "process of transfer from one body to another." (The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica, 2000) Every cell in our body is made up of energy. Energy; who and what we are. Everything around you is made up of energy from the chair you are sitting on to the structure that makes up your home. Everything has its own chemical makeup; our DNA, our structure.

If you are someone that has a hard time with the word energy, think about other things that require energy in your life. For example, when you walk on a carpet and then shock someone you touch. That is electricity from your energetic body. Energy is hard for us to comprehend because we can't see it. Think about how we can't see a cord or a connection between cell phones but yet we blindly trust how cell phones work. The cell phone connection we take for granted and don't think about day to day is energy from the phone bouncing off the cell towers to another phone.

If this is not enough for you and you need more proof, I will give you an experiment you can do at home. This experiment help you feel energy. All you need are your hands! So, what I want you to do is rub your hands together fast, the goal is to build up some friction. Now, pull your hands apart with just a little space in between. Bring them closer and further apart. What do you feel? Most likely you feel warmth, you may feel tingling, or even this magnetic like feeling as you pull your hands closer and further apart.

Next, I want to talk about the word chakra. Again, a word that can be intimidating if we do not know what it means. There are 7 major chakras; (from top to bottom) Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root Chakras. Now, looking at it from a different angle, each Chakra is associated with a different major organ of the body. The Crown being the brain, Third eye your pineal gland, Throat is obviously the throat but also the thyroid, Solar Plexus is your gut, Sacral is your hip, pelvis, and the Root being your reproductive organs.

Sometimes, we get so caught up in the language we miss the bigger picture. Scientifically, our bodies are made up of energy. Our bodies function as a whole. Think back to the skeleton song "The toe bones connected to the foot bone". All our body systems, including our energetic bodies all work together as a whole. We must change our thinking and get back to this interconnected way of thinking where we focus on how our bodies work as a whole rather than breaking the body apart into specialties.


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